挪威AppearTV XC5000系列告警日志与解释

挪威阿贝尔的 XC5000&XC5100 (以下简称 XC5x00) 是一个具有广泛模块选择的模块化平台,可以配置 成完整前端或专为密集服务处理应用的独立解决方案。 SC2x00 的综合体系结构提供了出众的可靠性,同时其基于 Web 的单一管理界面简化了部署、并 减少了例行维护。拖放操作的图形化界面 (GUI) 为服务、以及具有自动和手动配置可能性的全面管理工具提供了直观的选择。

XC5x00 的高密度及多节目源输入的选择性,使其成为最有效的内容集合解决方案。XC5x00 可以 被配置成高密度的接收机,节目源包括:能够获得的 IP、DVB-S/S2、DVB-C 和 DVB-T 网络、以及
 ASI 馈入,输出为模拟视音频解码调制后的 RF 或 FM 调频,也可以是 ASI 或 IP。

 阿贝尔高性能多节目解扰器最大化接收机的利用,简化系统设计和部署。对于需要解扰来自单一来 源并被单一 CA 系统保护的多节目应用,XC5x00 可以被配置成大规模解扰器。

XC5x00 使得有线运营商免除了在核心网上传输模拟节目,在保持本地规划的全部灵活性的同时确保对带宽利用的优化。高性能 RF 模块支持 A2 和丽音 (NICAM) 立体声选项及分前端处理需求的执。
 阿贝尔体系结构中内建强大的恢复能力,XC5x00 的模块支持热插拔,这些模块包括电源和风扇; 其“永不中断”冗余解决方案为多种故障情况提供完全或部分冗余备份。

A.1 MMI Module

Error Code  Alarm Level Description
Active Switch  CRITICAL   This alarm indicates that the input redundancy controllerhas switched.
Alarm History Cleared INFORMATION Indicates in the alarm history log when the alarm history
was clear by the user.
Card mismatch CRITICAL The card inserted to the slot does not match the card type
that is expected. If the new card is intended for the slot,
remove the card – then go to the about page and accept
changes (this removes the previous card history for the slot)
– then insert the new card again.
Card missing CRITICAL A previously registered module is not present in the chassis.
Power adapter error MINOR One of the two power adapter needs maintenance.
Time Update Failed WARNING Could not connect to NTP server.
Unable to communicate
CRITICAL For DC1000 with internal redundancy the two MMI boards
are communicating. This alarm indicates that the
communication between these two is down.
Unit Fan Error CRITICAL One or more of the fans needs maintenance
Unsupported version MAJOR The software version is not supported.

A.2 Modulator board 

Error Code Alarm Level Description
Modulator booted with
fallback FPGA
CRITICAL Error loading firmware. Card must be reprogrammed

A.3 License

Error Code Alarm Level Description
License Violation  CRITICAL A feature without license is being used.

 A.4 Global PSI alarm

Error Code Alarm Level Description
PAT analyze
temporarily disabled
CRITICAL The PSI analysis algorithm has detected too frequent PAT
changes which generally indicates problem with the
incoming PSI.
PAT Missing CRITICAL PAT is missing for the indicated input ID.
Raised for inputs in which is used as part of the live
configuration only.
PMT Missing CRITICAL PMT is missing for the indicated input and service id.
Raised for services in which is used as part of the live
configuration only

更多更详细的信息请联系万博信普技术支持 support@onebandsys.com
